1993 - La Trinité sur Mer (Brittany, France)


Off the Isle of Houat - Le Pechon INSEAD
Off the Isle of Houat - Le Pechon INSEAD

Overall Winners: The Cranfield team captained by Chris Preston (also an INSEAD MBA)


Organisers: Daniel Roche , Marc  & Brigitte Le Borgne, Thierry Jouve, Benoit Declerck, Didier Bienfait


Boats: JOD 35 - ATR


Sailing Programme:

Friday : light wind, 1st race to Crouesty, 2nd race to Vannes with the stream.

Saturday : long race around isle of Houat

Sunday : light wind, Olympic triangle in Baie de Quiberon


Supervision : SNT, Société Nautique de La-Trinité-sur-Mer

race manager : Jean-Paul Valléguant

Chairman of the Jury : Jean Le Corvec



Again, the Alumni Business Cup is home to some great sailors and Chris Preston, a former winner of the Round the Island race, had to get the best out of his Cranfield crew to win this regatta one boat length ahead of an agressive armada.


Chris Preston and the Cranfield team
Chris Preston and the Cranfield team

Shore Events:

Dinner in the antique cloister of the Ecole de Musique de Vannes

Hilarious Optimist paddling race in the "pool" near the yacht club.


Skipper's meeting on Friday morning under the music kiosk of Vannes Marina.

The unpredictable whirlpools created by the tide in golfe du Morbihan.

The Jod 35, a very exciting new (in 1993) racing yacht.

The paddling race quickly turning into chaos as participants discovered that making the competitors capsize was more fun that paddling for a less than certain victory.