1994 - La Trinité sur Mer (Brittany, France)

Overall Winners: The INSEAD team of Maarten de Vries closely followed by Colin Simmonds (Cranfield), winner of the sailing
Organisers: Brigitte & Marc Le Borgne (INSEAD) , Thierry Jouve (CPA)
Boats:J OD 35 (Jeanneau) of Atlantique Temps Reel
Friday : 10 knots wind north-east, olympic triangles.
Saturday : La-Trinité / Houat / La-Trinité
Sunday : Olympic triangle in Baie de Quiberon
Supervision : SNT, Société Nautique de La-Trinité-sur-mer
race manager : Jean-Paul Valléguant
Chairman of the Jury : Jean Le Corvec
Races: intense and spectacular competition between the first 4 crews and especially opposing the 2 Cranfield boats (Simmonds and Preston).
Summit: Colin Simmonds, a former participant in the UK team for the America's Cup, winner of the ABCup sailing programme, received a Sony 8 mm camera personnally offered by Pierre Royer, who had used it on his last ascension on the Himalaya mountains. Pierre, an exceptional mountain climber died two year later during his 8th ascension of a 8000m summit (the Kanchenjunga, with Benoit Chamoux also disappeared).

On shore:
Financial game : "The New Yacht Stock Exchange" NYSE (see below)
Gala dinner under the spinnakers at Vallegant's - Video projection ABCup 93
Wine test on the quay on Saturday.
A very relaxed lunch at the mooring near the main beach of Isle of Houat on Sunday.
The French CPA crew, uncontested winner of the Wine Test designed by the Insead Wine Club (Michael Kraland).
The NYSE : each boat is represented by a stock the value of which changes every minute with the position of the boat in the race. After the first day of racing, each crew
has to create its portfolio of stocks. A market maker who has been watching the races very closely fixes the introduction price. During the two following days, at the end of each race, the
participants arbitrage their portfolio according to their perception of the potential of each stock/boat. Prices are formed by these market forces. At the beginning of the last race the NYSE
closes. Each stock is then valued according to the final ranking in the sailing programme of the Alumni Business Cup. The portfolios are then ranked according to their aggregate value at the
The NYSE : a nice idea which somehow conflicted with the sunny weather enjoyed by the competitors throughout the week-end. Presumably , some of the financial minds onboard found this game to be too close to their daily activities for their being excited. Insead alumni (Oliver Fuchs crew), though, did get excited and won the first best portfolio.