On Thursday night, IMD did a smashing job on the 1st onshore contest, which took place at the excellent Latitude 38 restaurant at the
Marina. Holt was a very convincing irish mother and all enjoyed the exhilarating performance by Marti, Michael and Preben dressed as newborn infants! Actually, each team had to designate the team
best matching one specific feature: in the case of IMD they had to identify the team having produced the largest number of babies. Each team had to act the question and then to act the answer
(i.e. mimick the designated team). The game gave way to some hilarious performances such as Massimo dressed as a very credible Neptunus.
One of the highlights of the regatta was the Friday dinner at Gilad’s place with drinks taken around the swimming pool and on terasses overlooking the
dramatic cliffs of Biscaia. Philippe had engineered another sailing model competitiion which kept all teams busy building and decorating small sailing boats whch later match-raced in the
swimming-pool with racing rules somewhat less strict than in the America’s Cup.
Fernando, the regatta’s photographer had displayed hundreds of nice photos taken during the first 2 days of racing.
Finally, The prize giving ceremony took place on Saturday night at the Latitude 38 restaurant on the marina. The prize table looked as glamourous as ever thanks to the elegant display of donations by our sponsors. Champagne MUMM was obviously in the glasses but also on the podium with the traditional Jeroboam offered to the winner of the races (WU Wien). Our friends Michael and Birgit Ring had prepared an elegant display of steelware products from their company (Stelton) to be offered to all teams. Vuarnet glasses and various sportswears, branded after DCN-Areva Challenge the French America’s Cup team, were bringing a sporty touch to the prize table.